
While I am not officially labeled a disturber of the peace, nor am I a Marauder with access to the Marauder’s map, I did successfully pull off a prank. A nice prank, of course.


A friend of mine have a long-running joke about giving cupcakes as a sign of how much one cares for another. Up until now, it was just a joke that we teased each other with, but Saturday night I took it to another level.


Fortunately there is a fantastic cupcake shop nearby in downtown Tacoma called Hello, Cupcake. I picked up a few of my friend’s favorite cupcakes and drove to his house and – you guessed it – left the cupcake box, rang the doorbell, and ran away!

Just around the corner, I hopped back in my car and waited to see his reaction. He walked out, looked around, looked down, and smiled.

Mischief managed!



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