Breaking Up With a Friend

It has taken a while to write this, primarily because I wrote it to be a facetious challenge and never expected it to become a reality.

There is a saying many may know about the span of friendships – some friends are for a reason, a season, or for a lifetime. I am lucky to have made several friends for seasons and a few for a lifetime. The joy, adventure, and love each friendship brings to my life is invaluable and their presence is a constant wonder. Two friends of mine emphasize the complexity of friendship; I have broken up with both of them, but with different outcomes.

Punch and I have been friends since high school when I needed encouragement to be outgoing and adventurous. It was nice to have a friend with which I could release all my worries, if only for a while. Over the years, I observed Punch’s carefree nature manifest more as lack of consideration than lack of concern. Punch was asking more and more of me in little ways. Showing up late, forgetting simple information, changing plans and asking for help last-minute were all normal behavior for Punch. I edited Punch’s essays and reviewed applications, reminded Punch about car keys and phone chargers, encouraged healthy behavior and listened to complaints constantly. The amount of worry and responsibility I took on for my friend detracted from my ability to enjoy Punch’s presence. We had had several discussions and arguments before the Break about both of our concerns and what friends were supposed to do. The conversations usually ended with me crying, frustrated, and Punch quietly saying we would talk more later.As one might imagine, I grew tired of our friendship and made the decision to give myself a break.

The Point before the Break came in nursing school when I was at my most vulnerable. I remember coming back to campus after clinical and seeing a message from Punch about reviewing a paper last-minute. I called and our conversation quickly devolved into an argument. After a minute of silence, I finally asked Punch to have some time to my self. That night I cried, thinking that was the end of our friendship.

Mansfield and I have also been friends since high school, in part because of mutual friends and in part because of our awesome taste in movies. A tragedy in Mansfield’s family drove a slight wedge between us which grew bigger and bigger. Years passed and I grew accustomed to my friend’s absence, occasionally wondering how Mansfield was fairing. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, Mansfield messaged me hoping to reconnect. Although it seemed like a genuine offer of friendship,  I cautiously agreed, wondering if Mansfield wanted anything specific from me. Lately friends had wanted to reconnect to learn more about my sister, especially because she was engaged to be married to her high school sweetheart. It was only later when Mansfield asked for my sister’s intercession to help with a career change that I second-guessed Mansfield’s intentions. Neither I nor Mansfield attempted to communicate with each other for months. Although this Break was unintended, it allowed me to focus on my sister and our family when they needed my presence most.

The Punch Break lasted half a year. During this time, several life experiences in addition to natural maturation changed Punch. I cannot speak for Punch, but I appreciate our friendship much more after the Break. As for Mansfield, I have yet to receive a response to my apologies and entreaties to meet. I hope one day we may and I may regain some trust in my friend and my friend in me. Unfortunately I know trust is similar to friendship in that it is easily shattered and hard to rebuild.


Impending Travel Plans

Gold mardi gras mask and beads

The simple thought of traveling excites me. Add in friends, new places, and a cause for celebration and one can imagine the anticipatory excitement I feel for the upcoming month. A friend of mine currently goes to college in New Orleans and I have been wanting to visit ever since he moved. By the time my friend experienced his first Mardi Gras, he was thoroughly engrossed in the culture of the “Big Easy.” His excitement about the Mardi Gras festivities was infectious and I have deemed it an item worthy of The List (#35 under Not-So-Impromptu) to celebrate Mardi Gras in New Orleans.

This year, I have the good fortune to fulfill that item and I am so grateful! Mardi Gras falls on the 17th of February, the Tuesday of the second week of my spring semester. My friend is lucky enough to have the entire week of Mardi Gras off, but because I do not, I will be visiting the weekend before. It just so happens that I do not have classes Thursday or Friday, so I have the opportunity to spend an entire 4 days and 3 nights in New Orleans! My hope is that it is enough time to sight-see, visit with my friend, meet his friends, and enjoy a few Mardi Gras parades.

Are there any tips for traveling to Louisiana? Any must-see places in New Orleans or must-attend events?

2015 New Years Resolutions

I do love good lighting. Wintertime is the best time for mood lighting – and what better way to light the mood than by stringing white Christmas lights up everywhere?

My new years resolutions are based on six characteristics I would like to foster in the new year. The chosen characteristics are ones that I may have but are underdeveloped or ones that I feel I lack entirely. I have written resolutions based on the characteristics I want to exemplify – and some things I just want to accomplish.

The six characteristics are as follows:

1) Patience

One can never have enough patience. This year especially I have noticed how my patience has grown and how much I still need to improve.

2) Trust

I have been challenged more than ever to be trusting of others in my professional and personal life. I hope that in the next year I can develop a sense of trust that will enable me to care for my loved ones.

3) Wisdom

Of course, this does not simply mean “learning.” It goes without saying that my education will not end when I graduate next May. I want to develop the wisdom that comes from experiencing joy, tragedy, love, and laughter. I hope that this next year I can truly devote myself to the relationships I have previously nurtured.

4) Faith

My faith journey is a very long and twisty one. I hope that in the coming year I can foster good habits in my prayer life and pass along only the best for my friends.

5) Courage

This one is a difficult one to explain. While I may be able to advocate for my patients, I want to develop my own sense of courage. I want to be able to withdraw from relationships and revoke bad habits that hold me back from becoming the best person I can be and providing the best care I can as a nurse. This will be especially beneficial as I progress in my nursing career.

6) Compassion

The above being said, I hope to have the compassion to understand others and develop relationships that will benefit others. I want the compassion I develop to transfer to the patients I care for.

Now I know this post does not necessarily cover my new years resolutions themselves but there will be another post coming that will cover them. Although, I’m curious as to what others’ new years resolutions are… Two of my more practical ones are to exercise more regularly and finally learn how to snowboard.

A Beautiful Wedding


 This weekend I had the immense pleasure of attending a beautiful wedding. The bride and I became friends in nursing school after we were placed in the same suite and then in the same clinical group. She is one of the most trustworthy people I know, and a genuinely wonderful person, as is her now-husband. Whenever he visited Linfield, he would ask after each of her friends and actually listened to whatever they had to talk about. Without divulging too much personal information about their relationship, I will say that they are a highly suitable match and their marriage will be an amazing one.


The seating was not assigned which made it easier to mingle with friends and family.

The wedding itself was very well put together. It was held in a park, in the shade of ridiculously tall trees. The reception tent was to one side of the ceremony area and there were games on the other side. The trellises marking the front of the ceremony area and the entrance to the ceremony were simply adorned with strands of cloth. 

The reception tent was large enough to accommodate many tables, two buffet lines, a dance floor, a DJ, and a bar. There were also plenty of group games to play in the designated area. Off to one side of the reception tent was a small snow cone station where a group of kids were in charge of mixing the various flavored syrups with the shaved ice for the guests. 

According to various announcements throughout the reception, it was a community effort that the happy couple were more than grateful for. For instance, both the bride and groom’s employers catered the event. The bride’s employer provided alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages and the groom’s employer provided the dinner and dessert.


Quite possibly my favorite edible item at the wedding.

What made the wedding beautiful for me was the fact that there was so much love surrounding the event. Every person in attendance truly loved and cared for the bride and groom and only wanted the best for them. It was easy to get along with guests despite not knowing most of them because of our shared opinions of the couple.

Some people get married for different reasons, but sometimes there is a couple who are so right for each other that it only makes sense that they are married. My friend and her husband are one of the latter. Their marriage makes me think of the phrases “soul mate” and “sanctity of marriage.”

The thing is, there is so much more to marriage from a legal perspective that it can get in the way of what marriage really is. Love. Their wedding was full of love – from friends, family, the bride and groom, and so on – and it was hard not to be moved by it all. 

Hearing the stories about their early relationship, whether or not I had heard the story personally, made me appreciate them so much more as people and respect their decision to marry. I am so grateful I was able to attend, not only for their sakes, but for mine. I would happily drive another 5 hours, so long as they married and shared their love with everyone.



Intensive Care

There is so much I can say about this novel, but for the sake of time and to entice more readers I will only speak to a few main points I took from it.


One of the first things I would like to point out is that Echo was a mother while also going through nursing school. She raised her child to the best of her ability and did have some “real-life” events that threw her off her guard at points. The fact that she included these life events in her book as well really influenced my perspective of her as a nurse and her as an author. 


It truly is easy to become swept up in the grandeur of medicine and forget about the bad days, hard decisions, and inevitable consequences of others’ decisions. Intensive Care is a great reminder of the challenges nurses face. It is also a gleaming example of all that is important about nursing. The compassion Echo shows her clients is incredible! I think every nurse strives to provide the best care for their patients and the stories Echo shares are only a few examples of the ways we can do so.


That being said, I encourage all healthcare providers and families of healthcare providers to read this in order to gain a deeper insight into one woman’s perspective of the healthcare industry. It hopefully will gain us nursing students some compassion and nurses a little more respect than frequently experienced.



While I am not officially labeled a disturber of the peace, nor am I a Marauder with access to the Marauder’s map, I did successfully pull off a prank. A nice prank, of course.


A friend of mine have a long-running joke about giving cupcakes as a sign of how much one cares for another. Up until now, it was just a joke that we teased each other with, but Saturday night I took it to another level.


Fortunately there is a fantastic cupcake shop nearby in downtown Tacoma called Hello, Cupcake. I picked up a few of my friend’s favorite cupcakes and drove to his house and – you guessed it – left the cupcake box, rang the doorbell, and ran away!

Just around the corner, I hopped back in my car and waited to see his reaction. He walked out, looked around, looked down, and smiled.

Mischief managed!



2013 Recap

I will make no blanket statements about the last year other than it was a year of learning. I learned more about myself this year than I can remember any year before that.


In January, I applied to nursing school and spent the month taking care of my post-surgical father. I started on the AFI films list and revamped the existing List. Fast forward to May – I finished my sophomore year of college and packed up my things for the last time in McMinnville. It was bittersweet, saying goodbye to the campus and people that made so many wonderful memories, while also looking forward to my future in Portland. I also celebrated the graduation of my beautiful sister!


In June, I traveled to Mexico with my family and spent a week relaxing and recouping from a rough school year. July flew by and left me dazed and confused, scrambling to get things together for the first week of school in August.


Adjusting to nursing school and Portland took most of my September and October, but I successfully completed my first 5k in November. The transition from  November to December was rough, what with all the academic events occurring and the process of packing for two months home.


The last week of December was fantastic. Christmas with the family was wonderful, as usual, and New Years Eve, despite a couple mishaps, was fantastic. As ever, I am grateful for the experiences that have led me to this point in my life. I look forward to the year ahead and, as always, I wonder what it has in store for me.

Palm Reading at Starbucks

The first time my sister and aunt met my best friend was at a weekend getaway to my grandparent’s beach cabin. Ever since then, the four of us have been as thick as thieves. Fortunately, today we were able to hang out (without the rest of the family around) at Starbucks and spend some… quality time together. 



Among the many topics of discussion arose a new palm-reading application my sister downloaded. I thought I’d share a portion of my results for your enjoyment:


1) Your hand indicates that you like to laugh.
2) Saturn (middle finger) shows that you focus on real world items; usually in an overall manner.
3) Your Mount of Pluto shows that you are highly adept at giving advice to others.
4) Your finger leaning indicates that you make sure to take enough time to seriously think through your decisions.
5) Your thumb shape indicates that you can be very emotional.
6) Your relationship lines suggest that you will have a strong and happy relationship with your partner.
7) Your finger spacing indicates that you will gain authority and rank through your own goals and dreams.
8) Your line of fate shows that you will be successful in whatever you pursue, because you are a very determined person.
9) Your mount of Luna shows that you are slightly egocentric.
10) Your mount of lower Mars shows that you have the ability to over come a large amount of pain.
11) Your Jupiter (index finger) indicates that you are flexible and multi-talented, and who tends to go along with the crowd.
12) Your mount of Venus shows that you have lots of energy and warmth.
13) The second phalange on your thumb indicates that you love pleasurable things like food and drinks. 




Twas the Day After Christmas…

‘Twas the day after Christmas and throughout the upstairs, not a person slept in, despite the previous day’s affairs.


The wrapping paper, still strewn across the living room floor, made a mess that lead right to the front door. 


The Fragoso’s were preparing for a full day ahead while Echo, their dog, was nestled sleepily in his bed. 


With Toya in her scarf and I in my hat, we got in the car for a nice, lengthy chat –
when out on the street we noted no traffic, we looked at each other as if telepathic.

Away to Seattle we drove like a flash, parked in the parking lot, and thanked God we didn’t crash.

The sun arose steadily beneath the Northwest fog, which gave luster to everything just like a short jog. 

When, what to my wondering eyes should appear, but a miniature mermaid with two tiny fish tails. 

With big wooden doors, so warm and homey,
I knew in a moment it must be the one, the only.

More rapid than eagles my sister and I came, entered, and shouted, and call’d out by name:

“Now latte! Now mocha! Now macchiato and drip! On frappe! On hot tea! On dry cappuccino!”


“Order one of each! Order one not on the wall! Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!”


A wink from a barista’s eye and a twist of his head soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread.

He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
And fill’d all the coffee cups; then turn’d with a jerk,
And laying his finger aside of his nose
And giving a nod, above the counter he rose.

He sprung to his feet, to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew, like the down of a thistle:
But I heard him exclaim, ere he vanished out of sight —
Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night. 


The End. 



Christmas Reflections

This past month has been a whirlwind of struggles and tasks accomplished – mainly to do with school and academics. The first week was finishing up projects for three of my classes and preparing for my one and only final the week after. The second week was mostly spend stressing over finals, stressing over a regional club meeting for M.E.Ch.A., saying goodbye to friends as they left for the holidays, and feeling homesick. The meeting went as well as could be expected during a college break. 


Once home, I was able to reconnect with friends and spend plenty of time with my family. We furtively shopped and wrapped around each other as Christmas drew nearer and even got to play in the snow! One evening, my godmother took me to see It’s A Wonderful Life performed by the local theater. Eventually my sister arrived and my brother and I embarked on what ended up being a 2.5 hour adventure around SeaTac in the late evening. 



Christmas was well spent with my family, including my grandparents, great-aunts, aunts, parents, and siblings. The food was delicious! I’m a sucker for ambrosia. 

Now that Christmas Day is here, the Christmas season may begin. Merry Christmas!